After a relaxing five-week break, it was back to work for me today. In the week leading up to my return to school, I always dread the fact that it is almost time to go back to work. All the things that I had hoped to accomplish during my time off, but didn’t, swirl around in my head. Having to adhere to a rigid schedule that begins early in the morning and often runs until late at night weighs heavily. But then I walk into the classroom and meet my first class and I am excited. I am energized. Being back at work feels good.
Right before I walked into my first class this morning, I read the above that a friend had posted on Facebook. For whatever reason, these words cut deep. They are exactly the words that I needed to read today. For that reason, I shared them on Facebook and I am sharing them again here.
I am a master of pushing myself to my breaking point. Let’s just say when I do that, it is not pretty. I decided that this year I needed to learn how to say, “I’m sorry. I can’t do that right now…or today…or this week…or maybe ever.” I need to take care of myself in ways that I have failed to do previously.
I think what this means is that being “our best” is fluid, “best” changes from day to day, maybe even from hour to hour. And, that’s OK. Very little in life is static. It is when we believe that it is, when we believe that things, people, times, ourselves, don’t change that we find ourselves in unhealthy places.
“Listen to your limits.”
What powerful words…important words…profound words.
They may become my mantra for 2019.
“Listen to your limits.”
I can, and do, do many things reasonably well most days. But some days, I can’t do anything well. Admitting that, in my opinion, is not a sign of weakness, but one of humility. It means that today I recognize and embrace the fact that my best is different from what it was yesterday. But, it is still my best at present. Humility means that you see yourself, your abilities, your actions, as no better or no worse than those of others.
“Listen to your limits.”
Honor yourself and your limits in 2019.
Leave a comment sharing how you might practice listening to your limits this year. You will be entered into our drawing for a $50 King Arthur Flour gift card to be given away on February 1st.