Life in Texas and in Michigan is very different. Everything from the weather, to the daily pace, to the availability of Amazon’s Prime Now is different. I can get stuff in an hour here in Dallas; Tracey has to wait. I suspect patience levels may be different too! Texans are not patient at all! 🙂
As part of our Friday Favorites series, on the last Friday of each month, we will share what life is currently like in our respective parts of the country. As we said when we started the blog, on the surface, it appears that we have little in common, but the things we do share, a love for baking and photography as well as a similar outlook on what is truly important in life, far outweigh our superficial differences.
from Kris B.
Today marks the opening of the State Fair of Texas. That is a big deal here in the Lone Star State. The state fair is held here in Dallas, meaning that people who live in El Paso have to travel twelve hours to attend their state fair…and many of them will do just that. The fair is three weeks of exhibits, rides, music, fireworks, big crowds, and lots and lots of food, especially fried food!
Aside from the traditional corn dogs and funnel cakes, it is always a big deal to see what the new food offerings will be each year. It is competitive. There is a big announcement in early August of the semi-finalists and then the grand announcement of the new food winners a little later in the month. Then, Texans have a month to decide which of the concoctions they will try on their visit to the fair. When I read the descriptions of these culinary possibilities, they all sound like they will earn you a ticket directly to the gym and possibly your cardiologist’s office!
Here is a list of this year’s list of the Big Tex Choice Award Winners:
SAVORY: Fernie’s Hoppin’ John Cakes
BEST TASTE – SWEET: Arroz Con Leche – a cinnamon flavored rice ball battered and coated in rice cereal, the deep fried and served with vanilla ice cream
MOST CREATIVE: Cotton Candy Taco – a graham cracker waffle cone shaped into a taco shell and stuffed with chocolate and toasted marshmallows (think s’mores) and cotton candy. It is topped with chocolate cookie crumbles, chocolate covered biscuit sticks, and marshmallows.
In case you are wondering what the competition was like, here are some of the other finalists:
In the savory category:
- Deep Fried Bodacious Bacon Bombs
- Deep Fried Chicken Tetrazzini Parmesana
- Deep Fried Lobster Pops
- Deep Fried Ranch
- Deep Fried Shepherds Pie
- Deep Fried Skillet Potato Melt in a Boat
- Fried Cup of Corn
- Fried Kool-Aid Pickles
- King Krispy Coconut Crab Sliders
- Deep Fried Piscotti de Gallo
- Southern Fried Chicken Nachos
- …to name a few.
On the sweet side:
- Bacon Brittle
- Deep Fried M&Ms
- Frosty‘ s Frozen Hot Chocolate
- Fruity Dessert Nachos
- Orange You Glad We Fried It?
- …again, a few of the selections.
If you are in Dallas in the next few weeks, stop by the state fair and try a few of the delicacies for yourself. See if you agree with the judge’s choices for the winners.
The weather at this time of year is a a big variable for fair-goers. Will the fair’s opening be marked by sweltering temperatures of by torrential rain? Either is possible. Things look great for today – high temperatures in the low 80’s with partly sunny skies. This is perfect weather for a day at the fair!
Speaking of the weather…fun fact about Texas weather in September…
September is the month in which the average daily temperatures in Dallas change the most, lows falling by ten degrees from 75 to 65 degrees. Highs drop from mid 90s to mid 80s. Defying those odds, earlier this week we had a day where the high temp was only in the mid sixties. I’m ready for more of those cooler days!
Though the calendar and the availability of pumpkin-spice everything say fall is here, the foliage in Texas has not yet bought into the reality of autumn. If, here in Dallas, we do see the leaves change to fall colors, it won’t be for another month. And often, they go from healthy green on the trees to brown and on the ground in what seems like overnight. Being that fall is my favorite season, living in Texas, I do miss the gorgeous fall colors in nature. I guess that means I need to take a fall vacation to someplace where the leaves on the trees change…a fall foliage fix! 🙂
Somehow my September/October schedule got way out of control. I’m not sure I’ll make it to the State Fair of Texas this year. If I do, though, I’ll let you know what I decide to eat. And maybe, just maybe, I’ll find an opportunity for a glimpse at real fall colors somewhere!
Happy fall, everyone!
from Tracey G.
September in Michigan is usually a mixed bag of weather and temperatures – it starts out hot, and by now we’re seeing the 50’s & 60’s. Sometimes we can have 80’s and 50’s in the same in the same week. But I enjoy the switch to fall, I still have some flowers out in the garden, Black-Eyed Susans and some coneflowers mostly. But that’s ok because they are two of my favorites! (I have thing for daisies and daisy-type flowers!)
It also signals the back to baking weather for me! And I’m usually ready to get back at it after a summer filled with not-much-oven-usage-if-any-at-all (although I do enjoy grilling and seeing what oven dish I can make on my grill, I see it as a challenge). And as if it’s timed perfectly on purpose, our apple season is kicking into full swing around here too, and that means apple pie! Apple anything! I’m not a pumpkin-spice beverage kind of girl, but I am a pumpkin-spice in baked goods kind of girl! 😉
Along with the cooler weather, also comes lovely days and no bugs to bother you! It’s always my favorite time of year to be outside, in warm cozy clothes (not as oppressive as winter gear!) going for walks and looking at the pretty fall colors. We don’t start peaking fall colors around here until sometime in October, and it can be short lived, but while the trees are in their last hurrah party clothes, it’s beautiful!
I’ve always been a girl who loves fall, from getting to wear my sweaters, favorite jackets & boots (NOT snow boots! :D) to the best fresh apples (one of my favorite fruits) and baking to take the chill out of the house!
Hope you all are enjoying the Fall so far, I know I am! 😀