I used to watch TV quite often – I had my favorite TV nights and everything. Grey’s Anatomy! Big Bang Theory! The Walking Dead! Once Upon A Time! Game of Thrones! Yay for fun TV nights!
Then, I had Harry. It was never the same…
Before he was of TV watching age, all my shows were always on at the time I was getting him to bed. Some nights it was playing beat the clock – hoping he’d fall asleep (and STAY asleep) so I could race back downstairs and catch my latest episode! Most times though, it seemed I’d miss at least half of whatever I was trying to get down to see.
That meant, a lot of my favorites fell by the wayside – Grey’s I’ve never gotten back to watching, and the same happened to Big Bang Theory. Makes me kind of sad, but now I don’t really miss them anymore. The ones I was able to stay with though, those were the ones that were available OnDemand. Back then, OnDemand didn’t have too many shows available from the big 3 – CBS, NBC & ABC. It was more of the “cable channels” like AMC, HBO etc that I could catch up with. Now though, it’s really easy to keep up with the few I watch, albeit it’s NEVER when they air, I can’t remember the last time I watched a TV show at it’s original air-date and time! 😀 I know I could’ve gotten a DVR, but I figured I gave the cable company enough of my money, and at that point, everything I cared about watching I could catch on OnDemand.
Then Harry started getting of an age where he watched shows that I actually could enjoy – Disney Channel became a fixture, lol. Yes, I liked Sofia the First, Doc McStuffins, Phineas and Ferb and so forth. There were some other shows that came along as he got older and we watched that were just funny family-friendly sitcoms that I loved to watch because there really wasn’t much of that anywhere else. So, it didn’t bother me that I didn’t get to watch more “grown-up” fare every day, or any day really, lol. I kept reminding myself that once he goes to school, I can watch WHATEVER I want! Yay! Anything! Like a wild woman, boldly flipping channels with no concern if something “not child appropriate” happened to cruise on by…
By this time, though, Disney XD started to be a thing we were watching… and I started having some shows I enjoyed here too…so much so that I’d notice that after I’d take him to school, I just left it on during the day. And as I’m typing this, Disney XD is on in the background and I’m multitasking – typing this and watching my number one favorite right now, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil. Which that seems to be another side effect, I’m never just watching – I’m always working on something AND watching.
I still love Phineas and Ferb and all the great songs that come along with it, I also have some new favorites I actually choose to watch – as mentioned above, Star Vs. The Forces Of Evil. And that’s ok. I can now catch up with my more grown-up shows using the OnDemand option, whenever I choose to and have the time to devote to watching something, start to finish, lol. (another thing that’s changed since having a kid – it’s a miracle I can watch something from beginning to end, lol). For example, tomorrow I plan to take the time to catch the latest episode of Blue Bloods and get my Tom Selleck, Will Estes and Donnie Wahlberg fix! Forthwith! (that’s for you Michelle! 😉 )