

Sometimes I swear I am my own worst enemy, lol. The surest way to jinx myself is to think I’ve “escaped” something AND acknowledge that fact somehow… For example, I was just thinking to myself that so far this year has gone really well as far as Harry getting sick and missing school etc. Well that all ended last Thursday.

I pick Harry up at the bus stop as it’s a bit of a ways from our house and he’s not old enough for them to let him walk home on his own yet. And besides, it’s winter so it’s a cold walk if he could,  I’d just get him anyway, lol. So, last Thursday he gets into the car and looked physically poorly. I asked him if he was ok and he actually said no, that his throat was hurting him and he felt dragged out – enough to almost fall asleep at his desk at school.

When I got him home, I decided I’d take his temperature, it was 101.7 I believe! I asked him how long he’d felt that way, and he said he started feeling yucky not too long after getting into class that morning – I was shocked, and asked him why he didn’t go to the schools health clinic (they have a Nurse Practioner in “residence”), I know she’d have sent him home, I can’t believe he stuck it out all day. So, I gave him children’s Tylenol that night and hoped whatever it was would be gone by morning – nope. Fever still there and throat still sore, so staying home sick from school was he. Jeremy and I ended up taking him to the after-hours walk-in clinic, they tested for strep, but it was negative. Left with directions to keep up the Motrin/Tylenol alternating treatment and lots of rest.

The fever still didn’t give him a break the next day either, (it’s been stubbornly hanging in there, still), and then little bumps appeared on his face… Next thing we know, he’s home sick from school again today thanks to the unknown origin of said bumps AND fever.  I ended up calling the doctor’s office first thing this morning when they opened, and I was so happy to score an appointment for him, TODAY – this morning! We would have some kind of answers, and if need be, a treatment and game plan. Turns out the poor kid picked up Impetigo (the cause of the bumps), and can’t go back to school until he’s been on the medication for 24 hours. Oh, and he also has to be fever-free for 24 hours before he can go back as well, but she does think the fever is just a coincidence – that he’s got some kind of viral thing going on AND the skin troubles on top, so we have to keep an eye on that – if it sticks around a few more days, to give her a call back.

So, he’s home again tomorrow. And he still had the annoying fever today. Hopefully that will be gone too, and soon – then if all goes well, I can get him back to school on Wednesday. Fingers crossed!

I should have never been all happy the other day thinking he was doing really well this year as far as getting sick, silly me thinking that he was maybe finally getting past that “first-couple-of-school-years-of-catching-every-bug-in-sight! I guess I spoke or thought to myself too soon. Ugh.