
Well, the Crazy Week has arrived, and it doesn’t care if you’re healthy or not, it just plows forward, lol. And for me, this Crazy Week is all about Harry’s birthday, with my birthday thrown in for good measure! All kinds of deadlines to work with this week, and having been sick for 2+ weeks has put me smack dab behind the eight-ball!
I would like to get my “work” deadlines met before their due date of this Friday – a.k.a. my birthday. I’d like that day to be a do-what-I-want kind of day. Be it something, or nothing – but definitely my choice! Then there’s the deadline to meet of getting Harry’s school birthday treats made, decorated and transported by and on Thursday – which is his birthday, lol. Of course he wants cupcakes this year, which would have been fine had I not been knocked out of the game for a couple weeks, it’s put everything in and on this week, and I’m trying to avoid the drowning feeling. I tried convincing him cookies would be the way to go (fast and easy and easy to get there!), but he sounded really disappointed at that idea, so, cupcakes it is. *sigh*
In all of this I also need to get the store to buy one of his gifts, thank goodness for online-shopping as that did the bulk of it – just a couple things to pick up. But I also get the “fun” of getting to renew my driver’s license this year, and I am out of the “renew by mail” option, darn it! I have to actually go in to the Secretary of State, lol. On the bright side, it’s a chance for a new photo, I’ve had the one I have now since Harry was born – and I mean literally since he was born. I was in the hospital on my birthday that year, since he came the day before, so, as soon as I was able, I headed to get it renewed and I’ve always hated the photo, lol. Definitely the “New Mom” look!!
It’s just a nutty week. It’s always hectic, but this year it’s extra hectic – I never realized how missing out on a couple of weeks of productivity could really throw a monkey wrench into this stuff. Definitely a ripple-effect going on because of it!!
But, if I play my cards right, keep my nose to the grindstone, I can knock all this stuff out and have my Free Birthday Day on Friday…I think I can….I think I can…. Maybe I should plan next year NOW…..