from Tracey G.
Ah January. Where I live that means a few things, and not exactly pleasant, in my humble opinion anyway!
This time of year is when we get some serious cold snaps, the kind that cause the schools to call a “Snow Day” because the windchill temps are at -25F or lower. Ugh. And then it’s also the time of year for Snow Days due to, well, actual snow! Since I drive Harry to school in the mornings, I keep a close eye on the weather at all times. There’s nothing I hate more than getting home from a morning school drive in a really bad mood because the roads were awful!
It’s also the time of year the sicknesses start circulating the school. Strep throat is always popular, as was the actual flu last year. I hate the years a stomach bug goes around – since it usually means at some point the whole household will have it before it runs it course. Yuck.
And then there’s dealing with the snow. Every. Day. Walking in it, driving in it and tracking it everywhere. It can be so pretty for a bit, then you get over that real fast when you have to deal with it every day. And it’s a pain to just flat out dress for the cold and snow. Takes forever to get ready to head out the door!
But, on the plus side, it’s a great baking season. You not only get treats, but it warms up the house too! It’s a win-win!! And on that note, I’m cold so I think I’ll go make some bagels! 😉
from Kris B.
I kept dragging me feet when it came to writing this post and it finally dawned on me why that was…January is Texas is just plain blah!
Everything is brown and ugly. The temperatures are not warm, but they aren’t really cold either. But when it rains it’s a usually a cold rain. Rarely, however, is it cold enough for the precipitation to freeze. It is just cold enough to be uncomfortable when you are outside. On the rare occasion when the precipitation does freeze, it’s just that…frozen rain and sleet. And that is just plain ugly!! A nice beautiful blanket of snow would be wonderful. But nope. We get ice…
I too feel kind of blah. I never buy into the energy of a brand new year. This is probably because I run on an academic year. My “new” year starts at the end of August with the beginning of the new school year rather than with the new calendar. year. The only thing that says “new year” to me in January is that I now use an Erin Condren planner rather than an academic planner so I do start fresh there. Also, I have to remember to write the new year when I am asked to write dates. Other than that, nothing really feels new to me in January.
Statistically, February is when winter, at least what we know as winter here in Texas, hits hardest. We’ll see what happens this year…
For now, my blah self is enjoying spending evenings curled up in the recliner with a blanket, a dog or two or three, and my knitting. I’m looking forward to spring. Not so much because I don’t like winter. Real winter would be great. I don’t like the blah winters in Texas!
What is January like where you are?
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