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We are still working on returning our lives to a normal, productive, and rhythm.  While many other things have been chaotic, housekeeping also has taken a back seat.

And then you wake up one day and think, “Oh my goodness!  What is going on here?!?!”

Today we are sharing…

10 Ways You Know The Dust Bunnies Have Won

10 You consider firing the maid and then realize that YOU DON”T HAVE A MAID…

9. All of the laundry baskets are full and you’ve lost track of what is clean and what is dirty.

8. If you’re wondering where your kid’s missing socks are you start hunting…in the living room.  When checking for said missing socks (or underwear!), you find a candy wrapper and leave it because it’s not what you were looking for…

7. The newspaper, magazine, and catalog stack looks like part of the National Archive.

6. You have convinced yourself that dog and cat hair is a design feature.

7. Spring spiders have ready-made homes in the old cobwebs.

6. The broom and vacuum are considering suing for neglect.

5. You realize that you don’t have cataracts, you just need to clean the windows.

4. The dust is writing “dust me” itself.

3. The bathtub, like the coffee pot, has a fill line.

2. The dish ran away with the spoon.

1. The dust bunnies have names on their food bowls.


Happy Easter weekend to us.  We will be spring cleaning!

We hope that you all have a great weekend, spending it with family and friends rather than with dust bunnies!