It is May already!  How did that happen?  In honor of the start of this month, which begins with the letter “M” and has three letters, and because today is the 3rd of May, we are sharing our three favorite things that begin with the letter “M.”

  • Music – Music is not a favorite because it is what I do for a career.  in fact some days that might be a reason for it to be removed from my favorites list. 🙂  I included music here because it has such a power over us.  It can change our mood in an instant.  It can conjure up memories.  It can help us create memories.  It can put a crying baby to sleep.  It can put a stressed out adult to sleep.  Playing music on an instrument can block out all of the ugliness in the world.  And playing music with other people is the ultimate manifestation of teamwork.
  • Macaroni and Cheese  – What can I say?  I am a kid at heart.  Macaroni and Cheese is the ultimate comfort food for me.  I’ll eat the stuff right out of the blue box or a fancy “Adult” version. I’m not picky.  My favorite adult versions are Cauliflower Mac and Cheese in which the roux is replaced with pureed cauliflower.  This gives the illusion of being a bit healthier.  My other current favorite is a Pesto Mac and Cheese.  I may have to share that recipe on the blog at some point.
  • Mail – I still like to get good ol’ snail mail.  Just like with real books, I like to be able to hold a letter or a card in my hands and read it again and again.  I like to know that if it gets lost, it is my fault, not the cyber-world conspiring to hide my memories.

from Tracey G.

It appears our lists would’ve overlapped a couple times, if not completely, soooooo I had to get a little bit creative. And I must say, I thought this would be so very easy to come up with 3 M things. I was wrong. Aside from the ones Kris mentioned, I was stumped and forced to look up lists of “Things That Start With M” to help jog my memory. I love Monkeys but didn’t think I’d actually list them on a list of 3 things.

Well, here it goes;

Mayonnaise – Yes, it might sound odd, but I really do love the stuff. It’s so versatile. I think my favorite thing to do is transform store-bought into flavored varieties. And my favorite one to whip up for burgers or to dip fries in is Balsamic Mayo. I just mix in balsamic vinegar to a cup or so (more or less, depending on amount needed/wanted) to taste.

Movies – I love watching movies. I don’t get too much time these days to indulge, but I do like to watch a good movie either home or at the theater! I really enjoy mini-marathons at home with either Star Wars or Harry Potter Movies!!

Mobile Devices – I have come to do more on my phone these days than my laptop! It’s so convenient – I can learn things via video, watch a tv show, watch a movie, read a book, take & edit photos, find recipes, talk with a friend either via phone or text and even pay my bills! And I can do all these things (and more!) wherever I happen to be!

What are your favorite things that begin with the letter “M”?