First of all, thank you all for your patience and understanding while we have been on our unplanned, but much-needed hiatus. This was a case of it being important for us to listen to that small voice inside.
It’s hard to know when it is appropriate to soldier on through challenging circumstances and when it’s OK to say, “It’s just not happening.” I knew that I was going to be away from home for three weeks and in a state of having an inflated perception of my ability to get things done, I thought that I could work ahead and have all three week’s posts done before I left. That didn’t happen. Then I thought that I could at least write a “food for Thought” post or two while I was gone. I probably could have, but once my head was in vacation mode, I didn’t want to do it. It’s as simple as that…I just didn’t want to do it. So, I didn’t.
Early on, Tracey thought that she would go solo for these weeks. Again, it sounded like a good idea at the time, but the reality of picking up my slack, once the time came, was not so appealing. As a gift to ourselves, we took some time off.
Now we are back…
…sort of.
As I am writing this, our outside thermometer reads 110 degrees (feels like 120 thanks to the humidity). I am most grateful for air conditioning during this dangerously hot heat! Tracey is not quite as warm up in Michigan, but temperatures even in the 80s when you don’t have air conditioning can be seriously uncomfortable. The last thing that either of us wants to do in these conditions is stand in a hot kitchen and warm things up even more by baking.
That said, we are back to regular weekly posting, but for the next few weeks, we will be alternating “Food for Thought posts with simple and cool mix recipes.
I mentioned above that our time off has been a needed break from our normal rhythm.
It is a scary feeling when you have zero desire to do the things that have always fed your heart and soul. Since I returned from Alaska, I have had no real desire to pick up my camera. And though I haven’t minded fixing meals, I haven’t really wanted to bake either. The baking thing probably has to do with the fact that because I am still trying to lose a few more pounds, I don’t want to eat what I bake. Since I am not teaching this summer, I can’t pawn all of those calories off on students and colleagues. The lack of interest in my camera, I can’t really explain. All I know is that not wanting to do either of these things is not a feeling that I like at all. Creating something, anything, photos or cookies or knitted toys, is what makes me feel most alive. Photography and cooking are the avenues that much of my “recreational” creativity takes. I say it this way because as a musician, you’d think that my entire world is all about creativity in making beautiful music, which at the core is true, but at the end of the day, music is my job. Don’t get me wrong; I love my job, but it is a job and thus has the limitations and responsibilities that come with almost any type of job. As much as I don’t like to, if the job requires it, I have to play Pachabel’s Canon in D at weddings and Amazing Grace at funerals. After so many times, trust me, there is not much creativity left in doing so. Not that the performances are bad, it’s the intent with which they are executed. This is an undesirable, but unavoidable, side effect that comes from working in the arts. It is the reason that I have no desire to become a paid photographer. Photography then becomes a job. And I already have one of those!
This lack of inspiration and motivation is even scarier when your partner in crime is in the same creative rut that you find yourself. Usually, Tracey and I can coax one another out of this desert, but this time we are in it together. What we have discovered this week is that we are trying some new things to get the creative juices flowing again.
Tracey has been working on her cookie decorating skills. And she is doing an awesome job! Maybe she’ll share some photos here in the next week or two. I think trying something new helps to revive your spirit. This may be because when you are first learning new skills, the progress is much faster and much more obvious than when you are working to fine tune and perfect “old” skills.
I also played with cookie decorating this week. I have A LOT of room for improvement. 🙂 It’s something that I have always wanted to learn to do, but have never taken the time to try. Let’s just say that I will not be sharing photos anytime soon! At least now I have cookies and royal icing in the freezer so I can practice anytime.
While I was traveling these past few weeks, I most missed playing my guitar. Guitar playing is not part of my real job. Lol! I am a true beginner so it in no way feels like work. Practicing guitar is, however, a means to creative expression for me. Here, like with Tracey’s cookie decorating, I feel progress quickly so I am inclined to keep practicing.
Hopefully the motivation to bake and take photos will return soon. I miss them, but not enough to do anything about that…yet.
Like in all things, we need to follow our instincts. I trust that this hiatus from the things that occupy a big part of my life and really do shape who I am will cause a return of these things to their right place when the time is right. And again they will bring joy. Until then, I look forward to becoming a better guitar player!
Thanks for reading!